
The SpeechLive APIs use a Secret Token to authorize and authenticate calls. It provides secure access to protect resources. This Secret Token must be generate by the account administrator in the Workflow Administration. Visit our Workflow Administration documentation to learn more about how to generate the token.

Calling an API

All the APIs endpoints require an authentication, so each time you access an endpoint, your request must include the authentication headers. These headers perform two functions:

  • They allow your app to access the SpeechLive subscription data without requiring the User's password.

  • They allow us to identify the User who is using your app. Therefore, your app always needs a User's email to perform a function.

The two mandatory headers are:

  • Authorization

    • Header name should be Authorization

    • Header value should be Bearer {secret_token}

  • User email

    • Header name should be SL-User

    • Header value should be the email of the user who will be impersonated in the calls.

    • Important:

      • When using the Dictation API, you must impersonate an Author or a Transcriptionist.

      • When using the Admin API, you must impersonate an Admin or an Office Manager.